3 tips to sleep well in self isolation- stop corona virus affecting your sleep.
During times of stress one of the first things which can suffer is your sleep so it is no surprise that as most of us are going to be spending more times in doors, its important to get some tools in place to protect your sleep.
Here are 3 things you can do to still get quality sleep at this time-
1) Set an alarm. Just because you don't have to go to the office, still set your alarm! Get up every day at your normal time and stick to routine as much as you can. Now is a time where it is tempting to spend all day in your pyjamas and have a lie in but keep your bedroom for sleeping. This is really important as if you get up late and spend too much time in bed then your natural appetite for sleep will weaken, leaving you wide awake at night-time.
2) Get outside as much as you can. If you have a garden or open space nearby then try and get out every day. You need daylight for mood and for regulating your body clock. As a minimum, make sure all windows and blinds are fully open at all times during the day.
3) Don’t connect your bed to stress. As you may be doing less, spending more time at home and have increased anxiety you may find yourself awake during the night. If you are awake for large periods of time it is really important that you leave the bedroom. This will help you to stop creating a connection between bed and wakefulness which leads to further poor sleep.
Most of all, remember, you WILL cope with any sleep loss. It is absolutely normal at a time like this to find your sleep suffers but that is OK and over time you can improve your pattern again. For now, do what you can, manage your worries and stick to the techniques above and then wait for this all to pass.