How Does Alcohol Impact Sleep?
Party season is well and truly here and as the festivities kick off for Christmas, more of us will be drinking more alcohol than usual. However, have you ever considered how this might impact on your sleep?
3 Ways to Improve Sleep Even if You Suffer with Anxiety
Whilst anxiety is a really common trigger for insomnia, and also one of the main factors in keeping insomnia going, this doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your sleep while you have anxiety.
Do You Need a Good Sleep Routine?
In theory, creating a sleep routine is a really good idea. However, it can also end up working in the opposite way and end up being a routine which leads to not sleeping.
Five Things You Need to Hear About Sleep
The top five things that I, as an insomnia expert, think you need to hear about sleep.
What Is Sleep Hygiene?
If you’re struggling with your sleep, you’ve probably come across something called ‘sleep hygiene’…
Three Ways Menopause Can Impact Your Sleep
Menopause can impact your sleep in more ways than one, from hot flushes to anxiety. Here are three of the most common ways you may find menopause affecting your sleep.
Should I Take Sleep Supplements?
If you are struggling to sleep well, it can be really tempting to spend lots of money on vitamins and sleep supplements. However, in most cases, this won’t fix the problem.
How can I rewire my brain for better sleep during menopause?
You CAN rewire your brain for better sleep during menopause. It's not uncommon to find that sleep challenges during menopause can make every night feel like a struggle. However, the good news is that we have the ability to reprogramme our brains for improved sleep.
Three Things to Do After a Bad Night’s Sleep
If you’ve slept terribly, it can be really easy to spiral into some negative thinking around how bad your day’s going to be because of your bad night’s sleep.
Two of the Most Common Sleep Mistakes
I have discovered over the years that most people struggling with poor sleep tend to make the same mistakes - and often they are surprised to even know they are mistakes! So, I thought I would share two of these on my blog - are you making them?
The Number One Reason Why Ignoring Your Worries Doesn’t Work
When we try to ignore something our brain really wants us to process, it will work even harder to try and get our attention and the best time is of course, in the middle of night…
Three Ways to Get More Energy During the Day
If you’ve had a bad night’s sleep and are feeling as though you’re really lacking in energy, here are three things you can do to help boost your energy during the day.
Why a bad night’s sleep is good for you
I’m going to tell you something you’ve probably never heard before. A bad night’s sleep is good for you…
Depression and insomnia, the chicken or the egg?
Depression and insomnia often go hand in hand. In fact, studies have shown that 83% of depressed patients have at least one insomnia symptom, but which comes first?
A sleep experts big secret
Can I let you into a little secret? Even sleep experts don’t sleep well all the time.
How to Cope with Pregnancy Insomnia
Tiredness and fatigue, particularly during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, are common. What’s more, later on in pregnancy, it’s no surprise we feel exhausted, with the physical change to our bodies and extra weight we are carrying every day.
How to Get Your Sleep Back After Lockdown
With the government’s road out of lockdown nearing its end, and life soon returning to normal, it’s no surprise many of us are feeling anxious about the change, wondering how we’re going to cope with busier social schedules and a more stringent daily routine. What’s more, a culmination of lockdown habits will have negatively impacted our sleep...
How Effective is CBT-i Therapy?
When you develop insomnia, it’s not cutting out coffee and taking tablets that’s going to provide a long-term solution, it’s CBT for insomnia (CBT-i).
Seven steps to better sleep in 2022
There are simple changes you can make this year to help yourself sleep well, and live better.
Why can’t I sleep through the night?
Struggling to fall asleep is not the only sleep issue I encounter as an insomnia specialist…