How can I rewire my brain for better sleep during menopause?
You CAN rewire your brain for better sleep during menopause. It's not uncommon to find that sleep challenges during menopause can make every night feel like a struggle. However, the good news is that we have the ability to reprogramme our brains for improved sleep.
Three Ways to Get More Energy During the Day
If you’ve had a bad night’s sleep and are feeling as though you’re really lacking in energy, here are three things you can do to help boost your energy during the day.
The Link Between Hormones and Sleep
There are many things that can have a direct impact on our quality of sleep. From diet and lifestyle to stress and alcohol, many factors can affect our ability to sleep well. However, many of us don’t realise how much of an impact our hormones can have.
Why a bad night’s sleep is good for you
I’m going to tell you something you’ve probably never heard before. A bad night’s sleep is good for you…
Depression and insomnia, the chicken or the egg?
Depression and insomnia often go hand in hand. In fact, studies have shown that 83% of depressed patients have at least one insomnia symptom, but which comes first?
Case Study – Insomnia Triggered by Lockdown
When the pandemic first hit and we went into lockdown, many reported struggling with insomnia, triggered by either stress and anxiety due to the unusual situation, or as a result of contracting covid. Michael found his sleep beginning to deteriorate during May 2020, in the height of lockdown.
Case study – long-term insomnia recovery
Alan had insomnia for many years before finding The Insomnia Clinic, initially triggered by drug and alcohol abuse. This led to Alan believing he was stuck with poor sleep forever, and that he would never sleep properly again.
Sleep hygiene, does it really work?
As we hear more and more in the media about how to improve your sleep using sleep hygiene tips, I want to talk about why sleep hygiene might actually be making your sleep worse.
Why can’t I sleep through the night?
Struggling to fall asleep is not the only sleep issue I encounter as an insomnia specialist…
Five sleep myths busted
From the amount of sleep we need, to whether or not caffeine will stop you sleeping, I address some of the top sleep myths to help separate fact from fiction.
Case study - insomnia triggered by becoming a new parent
Having a baby is such a common trigger for developing longterm insomnia that I often work with new parents.
3 Tips to Sleep in the heat
Over the past few months, I’ve been asked time after time how to sleep when it’s hot. When asked this question, I’m torn between giving some average tips that probably won’t help, and being honest…
Keeping a routine during school holidays
We all worry about our kids’ routines during the school holidays, but what about our own? Routine is important when it comes to sleep, so whilst school holidays can present an opportunity to relax a little, there are steps you can take to help ensure the break doesn’t impact on your sleep.
How to stop anxiety affecting your sleep
From health worries to work stress, family issues to grief, whatever has triggered your anxiety can in turn cause a change in sleep and eating patterns, difficulty sleeping or concentrating and in turn, worsening anxiety.
Why menopause could be behind your poor sleep
Poor sleep due to menopause also causes extra stress and anxiety, in what is potentially already an anxiety provoking time. With the correct techniques, you can learn how to manage your symptoms of anxiety and panic which will in turn help you to sleep better.
Why you can’t sleep even though you’re exhausted
Find yourself struggling to fall asleep even though you’re exhausted? There’s a common reason many people I work with struggle to drop off when they go to bed - they’re going to bed far too early!
3 tips to sleep well in self isolation- stop corona virus affecting your sleep.
Over the next few weeks you may find that your sleep suffers as a result of being at home more, getting less exercise and increased anxiety. But, there are things you can do right away to stop your sleep quality from taking a hit.
How can CBT for insomnia help improve sleep.
If you have struggled with your sleep for a while you may have heard about CBT for insomnia but are not sure how it can help you then this article explains more about this NHS recommended treatment.
Online Therapy to help Insomnia Sufferers
Whist there is still a huge shortage of trained insomnia therapists the demand for the treatment continues to grow. Read on to find out more about how here at The Insomnia Clinic we are making sure EVERYONE can access this treatment and no longer accept poor sleep!