Reasons to Join the
Sleep Well & Live Better Course

So far, we have helped over 5000 people who joined the Sleep Well & Live Better course. Here is some of the unsolicited feedback on their experience. This feedback was given via Google or Facebook reviews or in the private support group.


I'd slept badly on and off for years - with no to little consistency - bad nights, feeling exhausted and it was really affecting the quality of my life. I'd tried everything but was on the point of giving up. I decided that I wanted to see someone about my (lack of) sleep and came across Kathryn and The Insomnia Clinic. We had a number of sessions and came up with a restructured way and pattern to help me, and it really worked. My sleep has increased hugely in both length and quality and I'm very much looking forward to continuing to improve my sleeping patterns. Kathryn and her team are highly recommended - it's literally life changing! Thank you!

Matthew Baker 


With the multitude of sleep apps, sleep books, sleep sprays and sleep teas out there, nothing has made more sense than The Insomnia Clinic. Kathryn is incredibly knowledgeable, with an approach that makes total sense. The cherry on top is her truly kind, helpful and attentive manner. I would not hesitate to recommend The Insomnia Clinic. Thank you, Kathryn.

Pamella Seaside


Wow what a great service, completely changed my sleep from terrible to great in such a small space of time, can’t recommend The Insomnia Clinic enough.

Tim Hearth


Life changing! This is a really nicely presented and easy to follow programme. I am absolutely astounded how something so simple can have changed my life so significantly. In week two I started a new job, started staying in different hotels every night and also forgot to take my sleeping pills (not proper ones!) with me - and I have slept a minimum of six hours every single night since starting. Well worth the cost for doing this. Can't recommend it highly enough… THANK YOU!!!

Theresa Britton 


I'm sleeping!! One week completed of a four-week course and the last three nights have been the best I've slept in months. I was the person who slept for seven hours and woke six - 10 times a night, for no reason. But three days in and I'm doing the restricted sleep which I thought would be tougher than it is, but all of this is mindsight and Kathryn is right, it's learnt behaviour and relearning. I'm using the extra time I have in the evening to watch boxsets I've wanted, read books (refuse to do anything that isn't for me, it all has to make me feel good) and I'm sleeping for six and a half hours, stirring maybe once or twice, but that's it! I had three mattresses in six months, I had a real association with my bedroom being a place where I didn’t sleep, so I've decluttered my bedroom, moved the position of my bed and say positive affirmations throughout the day like, "I'm looking forward to sleeping well tonight." I do, however, call it "The Sleep Clinic" rather than The Insomnia Clinic as I don't even talk about me being a bad sleeper anymore, the mindsight of Law of Attraction, you are what you talk about therefore I am a good sleeper! Long may it continue, and I'd really recommend the online course, but you have to make the shift yourself, it's worth it! After signing up I realise I'd heard Kathryn on Virgin Radio talking to Chris Evans and thought she was fab then, just didn't make the association. So, if he recommends her, that's good enough for me! Thank you Kathryn.

Jo Richardson 


As someone who suffered from acute sleep deprivation after a bereavement that then turned into a chronic insomnia, I was frequently getting no sleep at all for up to four or five nights in a row, resorting to Zopiclone prescriptions to enable me to sleep. I was at my wits end and constantly worrying about whether I was going to sleep, my GP had refused to give me any more prescription medication and the waiting list for CBT in my area was yearlong, so I looked into private CBT and found The Insomnia Clinic. Prior to starting the course I hadn’t had an unmedicated night’s sleep for about four months, but after starting the online CBTi course I’ve gone from sleeping two to three nights a week (medicated), to reliably sleeping every night without any medication whatsoever. I have relearnt to develop a healthy relationship with sleep, and it no longer dictates my life. I would absolutely recommend this course to people who want to gain a greater understanding about sleep and how you can change habits that you may think are too deeply ingrained to do so. This course is perfect for people who want to take an active role in getting to the root of their sleeping problems and making changes that will stand long term. The format allows you to do it from home which was a big plus for me and meant I didn’t have to wait for local NHS services. Well worth the money.

Thea Chandler 



I was suffering with insomnia and sleep anxiety as a result of my daughter being a terrible sleeper, waking up and staying for hours at random times during the night. She didn’t sleep through until nearly two years old so, it was a long-installed habit that turned in to a worry. It started with being unable to get back to sleep after a nighttime waking with her. Then, my daughter eventually started sleeping properly, (age two!) but I wasn’t. It got to the point that I was unable to fall asleep until 4:30, sometime 5am. With two young children, and a job, the lack of sleep was having a real impact on everyday life and my relationships. This online course, although tough for the first week or so, has been a life changer! My sleep is so much better - I can go up to bed when I’m tired (usually about 11pm), fall asleep quickly and sleep until the morning. If my either of my children wake me in the night for any reason, I can get back to sleep again easily. But also, it’s the quality of sleep that’s improved as much as the quantity because I’m not going to bed anxious. My sleep is by no means perfect, but I no longer worry about it. I still have the odd bad night, maybe a couple a month, but the important thing is that it not causing me any stress or worry, and I don’t think about it in the day. Basically, I now have the same relationship with sleep as a normal person again.

Naomi Wilson


This really helped me. It is fantastic.

Bee Osborn

I've had intermittent insomnia for two and a half years. Despite being in the healthcare profession I didn't have the tools to address it. After three weeks my sleep quality is back to where it was before it started. Without trying to sound dramatic; I can say is thank you!

Fred A 


Having really struggled with insomnia and feeling overwhelmed with all the "good" advice out there, none of which seemed to help, I signed up for the online course with The Insomnia Clinic. The course was fantastic, full of practical wisdom as well as really helpful and reassuring guidance to get you to relax and thus start to sleep better. I would heartily recommend this course to anyone who struggles with their sleep and doesn't want to go down the drugs path. A massive thank you to Kathryn and her team.

Adrian Wales


Overcoming a sleep issue can be incredibly difficult - especially with so much conflicting and scaremongering information on the internet. The approach of The Insomnia Clinic is pragmatic, optimistic and based on the most effective method of dealing with insomnia. The online course really helped me improve my sleep with helpful and easy to follow advice. I'd highly recommend.

Adriana Coppola 


The Insomnia Clinic Online Course has improved my sleep so much! I still have bad nights, about one to two a week but they don’t bother me like they used to. The course wasn’t easy at the start, and it took a good few weeks before I felt things were improving. Give it a go and stick with it though is my advice. It’s benefited all aspects of my life. I’m worrying less and enjoying life more which can only be a good thing!

Lisa Clark


The Insomnia Clinic are absolutely incredible; and working with them has been an absolute pleasure. They really do their best to help you, in the way that works for you. 100% recommend.

Michael Man


I had been having some trouble getting to sleep and was at my wits end when I came across The Insomnia Clinic. I requested a call back and Kathryn called me within an hour or so. I had some 1:1 sessions with Tammy which have changed everything for me. I have done online courses before, which are definitely useful, but what made this experience so unique was the option to have some 1:1 therapy sessions. I now have practical solutions that I can fall back on and I always know that I can schedule a session in the future if I need to. I would thoroughly recommend The Insomnia Clinic to anyone with sleep issues.

Davina Critchley 


Excellent online course to treat Insomnia. I've been suffering for years and this has really helped me, in addition I participated in a one-on-one Skype session with Kathryn post course, which was also excellent. I can't recommend The Insomnia Clinic highly enough.

Simon Gatty Saunt


I have suffered from insomnia for many years and The Insomnia Clinic has been a godsend to me. The web course has been fantastic, but I also did a one-on-one session with Julie ahead of a big business trip and the session was so incredibly helpful. Julie was the perfect therapist - a great listener and understood my issues immediately and gave me some personalised practical advice that helped a lot. I recommend The Insomnia Clinic wholeheartedly!

Wendy Mitchell


I've always had a difficult relationship with sleep and had insomnia after I gave birth – even when my baby was sleeping through the night. After so much unhelpful advice and my GP telling me I needed to relax, and everyone telling me I needed to relax, I found The Insomnia Clinic. It was a relief to be taken seriously and know I'm not alone. It was also refreshing that my insomnia was treated as its own condition instead of a symptom of something else. The course isn't about relaxation techniques or stress reduction, it focuses on removing bad feelings around sleep and giving your body the best chance to sleep. Reframing my relationship with sleep means that even if I have a bad night, it doesn't bother me like it used to and I can get on with my life.

Maria Alafouzou


I found The Insomnia Clinic's online course extremely helpful and have been sleeping exceptionally well since completing the course. The content is very well structured, clear and easy to follow. I can imagine that it would be very useful to a wide range of people that have problems in getting a good night's sleep.

Michael King


The sleep restriction idea was like magic! My only slight criticism was that I did not realise I should have carried on to download the second booklet before I started on this - it would have been very helpful. I also had some difficulty downloading the booklets - the headings and some of the boxed texts came out blank.

Isobel Hazelwood



I have just finished the four-week course. The first two weeks were hard work, and you need to be mentally prepared for this. Remember short term pain for long terms gains! I am off medication; I am sleeping solidly for seven and a half hours and this will increase as time goes on and I increase my sleep window. Before the course, I had on and off insomnia for five months. Some nights, I would not sleep for the whole night. Sometimes, I would lay in bed for five hours trying to fall asleep. I was so anxious about sleep and scared this would last forever. It seemed to come out of nowhere and then spiralled out of control. I am so glad I bought this programme; it has helped me so much. I am thinking about sleep less and making the most of my time outside of bed as well, which has ultimately got my sleep back on track. It is definitely worth purchasing and committing to it. Thank you very much!

Amy Rollason


This course really helped me deal with my anxieties around sleep, and I am pleased to say that I am getting significantly more sleep as a result. My problem with sleep was waking up very early in the morning (and not getting back to sleep), rather than not getting to sleep in the first place, but this issue was really causing day-to-day problems for me. The course is well worth a try if you are having difficulties with sleep.

James Leach


I started the course a month or two ago, and my sleep is massively back on track. I found this course really helped to kick whatever was preventing me sleeping initially with the worry diary and changed my beliefs positively about sleep and how many hours I need. I also saw a therapist on the side, and this has been life changing. With the course, I'd use it as a strict guide to start with and then wean away from it. Through working on anxiety, and understanding that sleep doesn't decide your tomorrow, this guide really helped get my sleep back on track! Highly recommend.

Helena Moody


Brilliant course; really appreciate having access to this material online. I've seen dramatic improvement for myself over the last three weeks and would highly recommend it to others having problems with insomnia.

Timothy Blake


I have been experiencing sleep issues for two years, mainly worrying about work related issues and not being able to get a full night’s sleep. I took the online course, and I can't praise Kathryn enough, a very clever lady, the course is put together in a way that is very relaxing and very informative. I have now enjoyed nine successive nights sleep since starting the course and every night has been at least eight-hours sleep. I feel so much better in myself and now wake up looking forward to the day ahead. 

John Moir 


The online CBT course has worked wonders on my insomnia. Simple methods but highly effective. Recommended.




I can't recommend Kathryn highly enough. I had problems with sleep after the birth of my son, and after months of medication and sleepless nights with her online course all it took me was two nights to sleep like I did before. The simple methods did wonders for me. Thank you Kathryn. 



Have done the course and had three one-to-one sessions with Kirsty. I found Kirsty to be very supportive and helpful, and although my sleeping is not perfect, I am a lot more confident and don’t worry if I have a bad night which is the main reason for not sleeping. I don’t go to bed until I feel tired and get up If I don’t manage to get off to sleep after 20 or 30 minutes. I also get up more or less straight away in the morning when I wake up, also I don’t use any devices, such as my iPad, phone, or TV, which I did before. Just want to say thanks as it has certainly helped me.

Margaret Martin


A really useful course. It’s helped me immensely.

Sue Deuce 


I found this course very useful. There were many practical suggestions and although it wasn't personal counselling, Kathryn came across as a caring, sensible person and it was easy to connect with her. Although my sleep problems haven't magically disappeared, I now have some robust coping strategies.

Helen Rhodes 


I was going through a very bad period of insomnia and had tried everything - sleep hygiene, medication, meditation, exercise and pretty much everything else possible. I had a couple of one-to-ones with one of the therapists and this was absolutely brilliant. It helped me totally reframe my thoughts towards sleep and be able to see that I would be able to sleep well as I had done previously. Now things are so much better. I can't recommend The Insomnia Clinic highly enough.

Hazel Fraser


I just started Kathryn's course and find her calm, reassuring and very knowledgeable. I first started with her free first lesson and had the best night I'd had for a while. As I got further in the course, I still had some difficult nights, but that's because I was struggling to accept that I had to change some of my habits in order to get consistent, quality sleep, even if it wasn't eight hours. Kathryn replied to my emails within 24 hours and since I bought the course, I am on the Facebook Group. I. asked a question and she replied within a few hours as well. As she says in her first lesson, you really have to commit to want to change your sleep habits. But if you are willing to do that, her empathy and knowledge are very apparent, and she is there to support you.

Elsa Carvalho


I have had insomnia on and off for 30 years including times when I slept only an hour or two a night for months and I have previously tried everything. This course worked really well for me. Highly recommended.

Ruth H


Can't recommend this highly enough. I struggled with insomnia on and off for over a decade and my relationship with sleep (and my bed) was fraught. Within the space of three weeks my whole mindset towards sleep has changed. I know there will be nights of restlessness, but I now know that they won't spiral into days or weeks of insomnia. Amazing that something so simple can be so powerful. Thank you - best money I ever spent (and very good value!)

Tom Berner 


For the past two years, after an unsettling event travelling alone, I developed a vicious cycle of insomnia and anxiety for the first time ever. I spent a year trying a ton of herbal supplements, super long relaxations, quitting on friends and calling in sick to work until I found this course! It's crazy as I never knew what to look for and the doctors were so unhelpful for me, unfortunately. They were going to put me on anxiety medication even before trying CBT! Anyway, I decided to try acupuncture to get me more centred and rebalanced and a few days after (not sure if these are connected somehow) I started searching for psychology sleep therapists and then stumbled across this amazing CBT course by Kathryn Pinkham. The course content and the way the videos were delivered were literally amazing. I felt like someone understood my exact situation perfectly and was telling me all I needed to hear and more, I could have cried! From that moment on, I literally felt my life change for the better and me return to the person I used to be! I still have my ups and downs, but if you compare me to the anxious, worried insomniac last year, I am a completely different person. Such great value for this course and I would highly recommend to anyone with the slightest sleep issue because it’s so effective. The support group and one-to-ones were also very helpful. So worth the investment! Thank you again, Kathryn! 

Joy Ami


I like how the course is laid out, the videos to help explain what we're doing and most of all the results I am getting. I have tried everything over the last couple of decades and although THC/CBD worked for a couple of months, they stopped working. Sleeping pills created problems, including not always feeling rested or well the next day. Now, I am finally sleeping, and feel great the next day. This is huge for me. I only hope it continues.

Phyllis Plotkin


I'm extremely grateful for Kathryn Pinkham's support. She has been very understanding and generously offered sage and insightful advice both on mental attitudes to sleep and insomnia as well as practical considerations and tips. Attempting CBT therapy for insomnia is a fascinating and powerful strategy but also one that can be very demanding. It has been incredibly important and useful to have Kathryn's support and encouragement and to be able to access her wealth of experience.

Peter Sommer


Kathryn has transformed my sleep from terrible to great in just under three weeks. A very genuine and practical course with an evidence-based step by step guide to better sleep. A caring and encouraging community are a click away within this course.

Michael Shanahan


With the multitude of sleep apps, sleep books, sleep sprays and sleep teas out there, nothing has made more sense than The Insomnia Clinic. Kathryn is incredibly knowledgeable, with an approach that makes total sense. The cherry on top is her truly kind, helpful and attentive manner. I would not hesitate to recommend The Insomnia Clinic. Thank you, Kathryn.

Pamella Seaside 


I have struggled with insomnia on and off for most of my life; this a practical, useful and supportive course and I am so pleased I did it. I did some one-on-one sessions as well - which added fantastic extra support and insight. It all just works - worth the effort. I'm sure there are times when my sleep will deteriorate again - and I am grateful to be able to go back to these basics. A great toolbox for anxious times.

Kate Lowe


Kirsty was a godsend... Really helped with my sleep problems caused by illness. Always got a lot from her sessions. She has great insight. Thank you Kirsty.

Martin Snookes


I’m on my fourth week of the course and have tried many things throughout my 40+ years of insomnia, but this course is really helping me. I’ve realised a lot and learned new techniques to overcome my insomnia. Thank you.

Carmen Wynter Harper 


My one-to-one with Tammy was what made the difference for me. It helped me get over the anxiety I'd suddenly developed about not sleeping. For me, it wasn't the sleep restriction that I needed, it was the two sessions with the therapist. They were really amazing and things have been so much better since then. I'm so grateful for Tammy's excellent support!

Hazel Fraser 


I joined the course last year thinking I’d give it my best shot but not expecting much after 40 years of poor sleep. I was so wrong! I now have no problem sleeping (except when there is too much noise; this course is great, but it can’t fix that). I took the mindset that it would be pure hell but that it was only temporary and the rewards at the end will be worth it. The worry diary was the game changer for me and allowing myself that time to worry. My racing mind worries and planning would previously have kept me awake when I would go to bed and wake during the night. Now I just tell myself that I can worry about this at ‘worry time’ tomorrow. Telling me not to worry would be a waste of time, so this is a great solution. I used to get up often in the night to use the toilet, sometimes six or seven times a night depending on how long I’m in bed. I had a terrible fear of wetting the bed (stemming from childhood trauma and an ‘irritable’ bladder), but now I wake up once on average and often don’t get up after reassuring myself that I won’t wet the bed. If I do get up, I’m straight back to sleep thanks to the approach to ‘worry time’. Also knowing that I will be grand on five hours of sleep helps.

I truly don’t think about my sleep that much now. This course can be tough, but IT WORKS! Huge thank you to The Insomnia Clinic for your work. It has transformed my life.

Helen Gormley


 I started the course in March after six months of very disrupted sleep, and when I started the course I was totally relying on sleeping tablets to sleep, it was affecting my work, my relationship and my health. I'd spent a silly amount on apps, music, herbal tea and even tried HRT! My sleep window was five hours which wasn't easy, as I'd got used to going to bed earlier and earlier every night and was in bed an average of 10 hours and only sleeping an average of broken very light sleep for four! I so nearly gave up in the first two weeks and had points of desperation, but with the help of the worry diary I persevered and started sleeping five hours of wonderful deep sleep. I'm now sleeping an average of seven hours a night and not taking anything, I do have the odd bad night and the worrying thoughts creep back, but I do the worry diary and the following night I sleep - I would thoroughly recommend the course.

Cindy Combes


The two game changing things for me that have helped a lot were making sure not to go to bed too early - I too made the mistake of spending too much time in bed not sleeping. I’ve realised my natural time to go to sleep is around 11.30/midnight. And most importantly, not to check the time in the night however tempting, as that is what fuels the anxiety. In the main, I’m sleeping well now unless I travel, sleep in a tent etc. which is understandable. I still get anxious about sleep occasionally but know I can sleep well which helps tremendously.

Liz Blakeborough


My 1:1 with Julie really helped me to cope. My sleeping definitely improved with her support.

Karen Elliott


I went from a horrible period of pretty much no sleep a few months ago, to almost back to ‘normal’. The course was really effective in that it changes the mindset, but I discovered it took time to really keep comfronting anxious thinking. I also made space for mindfulness every day. The main thing I discovered is in not resisting the situation, learning to accept it in the short term. As this level of resistance and reaction is what keeps the insomnia going.

Nina Hajiyianni


I struggled a lot with sleep in the first two months of lockdown, which led me to purchase this course. I was frequently not sleeping at all, and when I did sleep it was just a maximum of three hours. Not knowing why, and feeling anxious about it all day every day, to the point where it was causing me physical pain, I was taking a sleeping aid of some sort every other night, not knowing this was leading to rebound insomnia; going to bed far too early; and spending too long in bed feeling upset and frustrated. I think a large part of the insomnia was due to not having to be “up” at the same time every day, like I would if I was going to work. Upon starting this course I changed my behaviours and worked a lot on the anxiety. It’s really difficult at first, but after some time it does get easier to observe the anxiety instead of engage with it. I also set an alarm each day for “worry time” and as time went on it got easier and easier to postpone the worry. I realised I was basing all of my happiness and peace on how well I slept, and that this was my main issue. By working on shifting my mind, I was able to start the healing. Sleep restriction also, while anxiety inducing at first, really worked for me. Now I am sleeping better than I was even before the insomnia and usually am able to sleep seven to eight hours through the night. Once I started sleeping again, I realised that everything I had thought sleep would give me was a false belief. For example, even on seven hours sleep I can still feel really groggy during the day; I can still be irritable; my skin can still be bad etc. The only real difference I felt was the mental peace, and I realised this is something I should be able to find regardless. It’s made me see that whether or not I sleep it doesn’t matter, because I will be absolutely fine regardless. I still have mini relapses every now and again, but I don’t feel the same anxiety I used to before, and I am able to go through the days not thinking about sleep constantly, and thus bounce back quickly. For anyone struggling, it is a daily challenge but try not to lose hope as you can and will start sleeping again! A big thank you to The Insomnia Clinic as well, because this course has hugely helped me.

Shreya Datta


I thought I was destined for the rest of my life sleeping badly and this would consequently impact my physical and mental health until I discovered this course! Thank you Kathryn-there is nothing here in North East Scotland available to help . I have searched and asked GP. I now have a much better quality of sleep for five to six hours which I am very grateful for - this may not seem much to some but in comparison to my sleep before it is a life changer and I now have the tools to keep it up and use in the future. I didn’t have a clue what to do before, despite having a library of self-help sleep books, so thank you for this amazing course.

Jenny McLay


Over the last 15 years I have had sleep problems, but eight weeks ago it got much worse. Some evenings I got four hours sleep and sometimes none. I would feel anxious about night time and whether or not I would get any sleep, and when I was lying wide awake at night I would be dreading the daytime and wondering whether or not I could muddle through the day. I was taking zopiclone for two weeks and trying lots of sleep hygiene rituals that I Googled. These only increased my anxiety. Basically my whole life revolved around the question of whether I would get enough sleep tonight to function tomorrow. Luckily, I came across The Insomnia Clinic and started the course. The sleep restrictions were hard, but I stuck to it no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed in the morning. The thought section was a massive part of the process for me as I'm a worrier. Now, if I'm ruminating on negative thoughts on sleep or anything else, I acknowledge them and let them float by. I now sleep at least seven hours and life looks bright again. Thanks Kathryn.

Michael Shanahan 



I had insomnia for 30 years, on and off. I had no more than one or two hours of sleep a night for months on end, tried everything, feeling suicidal, feeling that my brain was broken, worried I would go mad, feeling that it just isn't fair (especially when I had tiny children). I then started the course early May at a time when I could only sleep with medication and I can honestly say that I am now cured. All my worries about sleep have disappeared and as a consequence, I just go to bed and go to sleep now. I don't think about it, and it just seems normal. I still have the odd bad night, like everyone on planet Earth, but it never bothers me the next day. My hot tips for success? Do what the course tells you - and especially work on the language you are using in your head. I found just changing, "I feel like death and can't think straight because I got zero sleep last night," to "I feel a bit grumpy today" was so helpful. You can't always choose how you feel, but you can choose how you talk about it. 

Ruth Hasson


I was getting only three to four hours sleep for the past eight months. I now sleep through most of the night and get six hours. It has taken persistence and a few relapses in the first few weeks, but I’ve found that sticking to a strict sleep window has cured me. Thank you to The Insomnia Clinic.

Charlotte Cooper


Here are some wonderful wins from implementing this programme.

-       Off my sleep medication completely for more than three months

-       Average sleep over the past 24 days, of six hours and 45 minutes

-       Average wake ups in an evening of zero

-       I no longer spend any time thinking about sleep or designing my day around sleep

-       I am confident I will sleep every night

-       If I sleep less than my average, I am confident that I will be totally fine

When I found The Insomnia Clinic, I was not sleeping one to two days a week and thinking about sleep all the time. It is a wonderful miracle. Very good, very good, yay!

Simona Morrison


I experienced a huge improvement in my sleep as soon as I understood and implemented the sleep window. That different approach helped me change my thinking, gave me a plan and made me feel more in control of what was going on. I know it happens in different ways for everyone (and I think it’s good to know it can take longer but still work in some people’s case) but just wanted to give some encouragement. Amazingly I have been really enjoying sleep thanks to this course - that hasn’t happened for years.

Alex McGurk


I had insomnia for over 20 years after my children were born. Then, exasperated by night flushing, I joined this course and can honestly say within two weeks it started to work for me! I now have my sleep window of 11pm-6am. Before the course I was getting just two hours of interrupted sleep. I keep a morning worry diary and meditate using headspace every morning. It’s surprising how putting your worries down in writing stops your mind revisiting them in the middle of the night.

Helen Lee


I had been suffering from insomnia for almost five years as a result of PND and PTSD. I had been scared of my bed and obsessed about sleep for so long. I tried all sorts of things to get better, but nothing helped. Then I joined this course and now (four months in) I can’t actually recall my last time with insomnia! I will keep applying my learnings and hope I never go back again. Thank you so much!

Luciana Ponzetta 


I no longer have insomnia. I was on Zopiclone when I first joined and if I wasn't taking that I would take Benadryl or a million herbal supplements. I was having full sleepless nights and often just four to five hours sleep over two days, with a few nights of no sleep a week too. I thought my brain was actually broken. I could not nap and was wide awake all the time. It took some time, but I sleep from 11-6:30 every night now. Once in a while I take longer than five minutes to fall asleep, but not often. Very occasionally, I get out of bed for five minutes and then return back to fall asleep completely easily. I have very few worries about sleep and if one comes up, I laugh and remind myself that I am a champion sleeper! The whole course is excellent, but it all came down to facing my fears and just stopping all sleep rituals, totally letting go and not caring at all about sleep or anxiety. Now I just watch TV, eat what I want and go to sleep like a normal person. It is possible!

Simona Morrison 


I’ve suffered with insomnia on and off for the last 10 years, but it’s become more chronic over the last two years due to both menopause, a new baby and my anxiety over it. I tried other self-help books but often forgotten everything after a few months and relapsed. My latest episode started a few weeks ago so I got started with Kathryn’s course. The support from Kathryn and the group is amazing, and after tightening up my sleep restriction I’m on my third night of six hours per night, which is definitely progress for me. Above all else I feel positive again and the fear of relapse no longer haunts me as I know this group is always here to support me. Thank you so much!

Louise Caroline 


I started this course five weeks ago as I had been losing lots of sleep due to hot flushes waking me and then mind racing and not getting back to sleep for hours. It was also taking hours to fall asleep. To be honest, I was sceptical and accepted that it may not be effective. Setting my sleep window and using restrictions has worked so well for me that I am now sleeping to my alarm, I do still wake with flushes but due to the worry diary I keep during the day and using the mindfulness, I am able to gently move active thoughts away and fall asleep quickly. This does take some practice and it's very easy to let the thoughts take control, but with perseverance it works. I actually 'speak' to my thoughts during the wakeful moments and I tell them that I will give them my attention when I'm ready to wake up. Sounds a bit crazy I know, but for me it's been about taking back control of my sleep and my thoughts, it's definitely worked so far. I do expect some relapses, I have a teenage daughter so that's to be expected! My main issues have been going to bed at a different time to my husband, but he's been very supportive and has also changed his bedtime a little for me at times. So, I sing the praises of the course, Kathryn has been a constant support and I've even recommended it to my friends. I will continue to use the techniques, but I am now even able to extend my sleep window a little with no horrible consequences. Thanks to everyone.

Karen Miller


After suffering insomnia for a considerable length of time, I finally decided to do something about it and signed up for the course two days ago. I have always been able to fall asleep with no problem but cannot stay asleep, so often I wake at 2am or 3am and stay awake till morning. I am also very positive about this course and feel so relaxed now that I have made the decision. I almost feel a weight has been removed from my shoulders - so relaxed in fact that I have slept six plus hours without waking for the last two nights. I look forward to my journey in completing the course over the next few weeks - onwards and upwards!

Shelley Ross



I started the course seven or eight weeks ago. It was a huge challenge to start with and I felt really sleep deprived for the first couple of weeks, but I'm glad to report that things seem to have levelled out a bit now. I'm getting about six to six and a half hours most nights and actually enjoying the extra hours in the day my new sleep window affords me. The course has helped me come to terms with the amount of sleep I can manage, and I've also come to terms with the fact I may well never feel refreshed when I wake up. But, I've now got a little morning routine of exercise and coffee, which sets me up nicely for the day. Having struggled with insomnia for almost eight years, this course has been a revelation. Thank you.

John Webster


Four months into the course and I'm so relaxed about sleeping, or not. I still wake up every night, but most nights get back to sleep quickly, if necessary, I go downstairs for a short TV bedtime story (my favourite feel good series). Sometimes, after a cold or something, I need to do a couple of nights of sleep restriction to get back to my correct sleep window, but I'm never anxious about sleep now. I never nap in the day or evening and never get hypnic jerks anymore and am so much happier. One happy customer here.

Linda Danson 


The sleep course has helped me so much! Changing my narrative around sleep, what I'm making it mean, what a good night’s sleep is. How I'd become obsessed with sleep etc. All I'm doing is training my brain. It's so simple, I love it. I even train my brain to sleep. Just this one understanding changes everything for me. Knowing that I'm doing the right thing and if I keep at it my brain will learn how to sleep. It takes all the pressure off. Thank you!

Naomi Stonier 


On average I am sleeping 30 minutes more a night, I’m aiming to stretch this by another 30 minutes over the next few months. The approach shown by this wonderful lady works for me. First time I have felt more rested in 38 years.

Paul Sennett


Just finished four weeks on the programme. I started where I was either not falling asleep at all, and going days without sleep, to sometimes taking two to three hours to drop off (which has been the norm for me for as long as I can remember). Following the programme and adjusting different areas on a bad night, I still manage to get some sleep, approximately four to four and a half hours, (which is miles better than none). But, for the past few nights, I have been getting between six to seven hours and only taking approximately 45 minutes to drop off to sleep. A huge improvement. Thank you The Insomnia Clinic.

Kerry Graham


I love this course and the real way it is presented. After 40 years of insomnia, I wasn’t sure how I could keep going. Understanding a healthy sleep cycle really helped, and it started to work for me immediately. Most nights I do sleep now (miracles) and those nights when I don’t, although it scares me that I might slide back, my confidence in these techniques supports me.

Katherine Demeter


Hello! This course has helped me immensely. I started having lots of anxiety and not sleeping, mostly due to current world events. I was very sceptical when I started the course, but I have seen very good results after as little as 2 weeks into it! For anybody struggling out there, stick to it for a while because it does work!

Shalom E Droghetti 


I started the course on March 11th. I weaned off low dose Amitriptyline in weeks two to three and am now sleeping 7 to 7.5 hours regularly. I wouldn’t say I sleep soundly all night, but it is rare now to wake in the early hours and not be able to go back to sleep - which was common even on the medication, which just helped me to nod off at the beginning of the night. Trust in the science and experience of Kathryn and team.

Angela Siderfin