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Google: Rated 4.9 / Facebook: Rated 5.0

We are so proud to have worked with so many people over the past 15 years. Here are what a few of them had to say about working with us. If you would like to see further review please visit our Google or Facebook reviews page.

Life changing. This is a really nicely presented and easy to follow programme, I am absolutely astounded how something so simple can have changed my life so significantly. I have slept a minimum of 6 hours every single night since starting.
— Theresa Britton

I love this course and the real way it is presented. After 40 years of insomnia, I wasn’t sure how I could keep going. Understanding a healthy sleep cycle really helped, and it started to work for me immediately. Most nights I do sleep now ( miracles) and those nights when I don’t, although it scares me that I might slide back, my confidence in these techniques supports me.
— Katherine Demeter

The Sleep Well Course has worked wonders on my insomnia. Simple method but highly effective- recommended.
— Edwin

Hello! This course has helped me immensely. I started having lots of anxiety and not sleeping, mostly due to current world events. I was very skeptical when I started the course, but I have seen very good results after as little as 2 weeks into it! For anybody struggling out there, stick to it for a while because it does work!
— Shalom E Droghetti

I started the course on March 11th. I weaned off low dose Amitriptylline in weeks 2/3 and am now sleeping 7 to 7.5 hours regularly. I wouldn’t say I sleep soundly all night but it is rare now to wake in the early hours and not be able to go back to sleep-which was common even on the medication, which just helped me to nod off at the beginning of the night. Trust in the science and experience of Kathryn and team.
— Angeal Siderfin

Over the last 15 years I have had sleep problems but 8 weeks ago it got much worse some evenings I got 4 hours sleep and sometimes none. I would feel anxious about night time and whether or not I would get any sleep and when I was lying wide awake at night I would be dreading the daytime and wondering Wether or not I could muddle through the day.I was taking zopiclone for two weeks and trying lots of sleep hygiene rituals that I Googled. These only increased my anxiety.
basically my whole life revolved around the question of will I get enough sleep tonight to function tomorrow .The thought section was a massive part of the process for me as I’m a worrier. Now if I’m ruminating on negative thoughts on sleep or any thing else I acknowledge them and let them float by. I now sleep at least 7 hours and life looks bright again. Thanks Kathryn!
— Micheal Shanahan