3 Ways to Improve Sleep Even if You Suffer with Anxiety
Whilst anxiety is a really common trigger for insomnia, and also one of the main factors in keeping insomnia going, this doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your sleep while you have anxiety.
How can I rewire my brain for better sleep during menopause?
You CAN rewire your brain for better sleep during menopause. It's not uncommon to find that sleep challenges during menopause can make every night feel like a struggle. However, the good news is that we have the ability to reprogramme our brains for improved sleep.
The Number One Reason Why Ignoring Your Worries Doesn’t Work
When we try to ignore something our brain really wants us to process, it will work even harder to try and get our attention and the best time is of course, in the middle of night…
5 ways to stop anxiety impacting your sleep
With everything that’s happened since 2020, it’s easy to feel consumed by worry; whether it’s social media scrolling or simply watching the evening news, we’re constantly being bombarded with bad news…
Five sleep myths busted
From the amount of sleep we need, to whether or not caffeine will stop you sleeping, I address some of the top sleep myths to help separate fact from fiction.
How to stop anxiety affecting your sleep
From health worries to work stress, family issues to grief, whatever has triggered your anxiety can in turn cause a change in sleep and eating patterns, difficulty sleeping or concentrating and in turn, worsening anxiety.
Why menopause could be behind your poor sleep
Poor sleep due to menopause also causes extra stress and anxiety, in what is potentially already an anxiety provoking time. With the correct techniques, you can learn how to manage your symptoms of anxiety and panic which will in turn help you to sleep better.
Case study – suffering with sleep anxiety
When someone struggles with poor sleep it is almost inevitable that anxiety about the sleep loss will follow. Often, it then becomes the case that it is the worry about poor sleep itself which becomes the primary issue. The good news is that most cases of insomnia can be cured with changes you can make on your own, without relying on over-the-counter sleeping pills, just like Insomnia Clinic Online Course member Peta.
3 tips to sleep well in self isolation- stop corona virus affecting your sleep.
Over the next few weeks you may find that your sleep suffers as a result of being at home more, getting less exercise and increased anxiety. But, there are things you can do right away to stop your sleep quality from taking a hit.
Tired, but can't fall asleep?
We often say that we feel tired but actually in order to fall asleep we need to be 'sleepy'. But how can we tell the difference? As you probably have experienced you may feel exhausted but then you get into bed and sleep doesn't come.