How Effective is CBT-i Therapy?
When you develop insomnia, it’s not cutting out coffee and taking tablets that’s going to provide a long-term solution, it’s CBT for insomnia (CBT-i).
Five sleep myths busted
From the amount of sleep we need, to whether or not caffeine will stop you sleeping, I address some of the top sleep myths to help separate fact from fiction.
How to use the Circle of Influence to improve your sleep
I recently viewed a presentation from LPD Associates on Stephen Covey’s Circle of Influence. This concept can be applied to sleep, to help arm you with the skills to sleep well and live better. Want to find out more?
3 tips to sleep well in self isolation- stop corona virus affecting your sleep.
Over the next few weeks you may find that your sleep suffers as a result of being at home more, getting less exercise and increased anxiety. But, there are things you can do right away to stop your sleep quality from taking a hit.