Case study – suffering with sleep anxiety
When someone struggles with poor sleep it is almost inevitable that anxiety about the sleep loss will follow. Often, it then becomes the case that it is the worry about poor sleep itself which becomes the primary issue.
The good news is that most cases of insomnia can be cured with changes you can make on your own, without relying on over-the-counter sleeping pills, just like Insomnia Clinic Online Course member Peta.
I have never been a great sleeper, but my insomnia has always tended to come and go dependent on anxieties and work or life stressors. However, I have had some health issues. About six months ago I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia, which caused me to have a high level of anxiety. This impacted on my sleep patterns. Then, in December, I got viral labyrinthitis and just stopped sleeping. I was averaging about three hours a night, but some nights I didn’t sleep at all.
This lack of sleep was causing massive anxiety. They both fed each other and I spent all day worrying about the night ahead. I would be so exhausted I’d start the bedtime routine about 8pm with meditation and a bath, only to find I was still awake hours later.
Then I found The Insomnia Clinic’s Sleep Well, Live Better Online Course. It had a positive change almost immediately. Even though the amount I slept didn’t change significantly to begin with, my attitude changed. I was always worrying about how my sleep was going to affect my heart and my immune system, and after following the online course, I found it took the anxiety away.
The number one lesson The Insomnia Clinic taught me was to get out of bed if you can’t sleep and go and do something else. If anxiety is the issue, staying in bed worrying means you’ll never sleep. I now get up, read my book and then try again. I just don’t worry about it any more. Before the course I had spent months tossing and turning and having anxiety attacks in bed. After the course, I enjoyed my time not sleeping through reading or watching box sets.
Before the course I thought anything less than eight hours was a bad night, now I regularly have five or six hours of sleep and feel absolutely fine on that. My family and friends have noticed a difference, saying I am more positive and look much more rested. I feel so much happier and healthier now I am sleeping.
Before the course I was so tired that I was really struggling to exercise and enjoy life. Now I’m back to exercising, enjoying my free time and I no longer waste my days worrying about whether or not I’m going to sleep.
I would definitely recommend Kathryn and The Insomnia Clinic to family and friends. The online course is so simple, it makes so much sense and really gave me back control over how I felt about sleep.