Why can’t I sleep through the night?
Struggling to fall asleep is not the only sleep issue I encounter as an insomnia specialist…
3 Tips to Sleep in the heat
Over the past few months, I’ve been asked time after time how to sleep when it’s hot. When asked this question, I’m torn between giving some average tips that probably won’t help, and being honest…
3 habits to relieve stress
It’s not just lack of sleep which makes us tired and negatively impacts on our daytime functioning. Our negative thoughts around lack of sleep leave us exhausted too. Stressing out about your sleep won’t help to improve it, but it will leave you feeling worse.
Online Therapy to help Insomnia Sufferers
Whist there is still a huge shortage of trained insomnia therapists the demand for the treatment continues to grow. Read on to find out more about how here at The Insomnia Clinic we are making sure EVERYONE can access this treatment and no longer accept poor sleep!
4 reasons people don't cure their sleep problem.
With so many people suffering with sleep problems I delved into why this was the case. With insomnia being a very curable disorder I found there are four main reasons why people are not fixing their sleep, do any of these sound like you?