Sleep advice for NHS workers
With extra stress, incredibly long hours, less downtime and a lack of routine, now is a particularly tough time for those working in the NHS.
3 ways to boost your energy during the day
If you’re sleeping poorly, it’s not just night-time that can be a struggle, your energy levels during the day can be affected too. From lacking motivation, to simply feeling tired, if you’re struggling to sleep, it can be difficult to focus and make the most of each day.
3 habits to relieve stress
It’s not just lack of sleep which makes us tired and negatively impacts on our daytime functioning. Our negative thoughts around lack of sleep leave us exhausted too. Stressing out about your sleep won’t help to improve it, but it will leave you feeling worse.
Sleep and Mental Health with Joe Wicks, The Bodycoach.
We all know that exercise is great for mental health but however fit you are, it’s really hard to stay positive if you are sleep deprived. I got together with Joe Wicks, The Bodycoach to discuss how good sleep and mental health come hand in hand.