Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Insomnia affects one in three healthy adults with many of us having great difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or rising before we’re fully rested. All of which results in impaired daytime functioning – here at the Insomnia Clinic we can help to make these problems a thing of the past.
“Insomnia affects one in three healthy adults”
We specialise in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia, also known as CBT-I which is a structured programme that works through tried and tested steps. We help you identify and replace thoughts and behaviours that cause and maintain sleep problems and help formulate long-term habits to promote healthy sound sleep.
CBT-i trains people to use techniques to address factors which maintain sleep problems, such as anxiety or poor sleep scheduling. You regain control by developing a healthy sleep pattern.
“CBT-i is an established method for long-term treatment of Insomnia and sleep problems.”
If you feel your quality of life is impaired by issues surrounding sleep, CBT-i is designed to help alleviate your suffering. CBT-i is an established method for long-term treatment of Insomnia and sleep problems. As a result the National Institute of Health recommends it as the preferred treatment method.
To find out more about our treatment process please continue reading below or contact us, we’d be happy to help.
Our Treatment Process
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) is a structured programme that helps you to identify and replace thoughts and behaviours that cause or worsen sleep problems, with habits that promote sound sleep.
Unlike sleeping pills, CBT-i helps you to overcome the underlying causes of your sleep problems. The programme teaches you how to use your own body clock and sleep drive to control your sleep pattern so that you never need to lie in bed awake again.
CBT-i has a large evidence base and is repeatedly shown to be one of the most effective treatments for long term insomnia. As a result, the National Health Service (NHS) recommends CBT-i as the preferred treatment for long term insomnia.
CBT-i trains people to use techniques to address factors which maintain sleep problems, such as anxiety or poor sleep scheduling. In addition, CBT-i helps people to develop a healthy sleep pattern with a strong connection between bed and sleeping. Strengthening this connection helps sleep to become a more natural process.
The treatment is designed for those people who have been suffering from sleep problems, however mild, and feel it is impacting upon their everyday lives.
CBT-i can help with:
Trouble falling asleep
Waking through the night
Early morning waking
Feeling unrefreshed during the day
Anxiety around sleep
General anxiety and stress management
CTB-i is delivered by your practitioner over a number of 50 minute sessions on a weekly or fortnightly basis depending on your needs.
To find out more about what to expect, please continue reading below or contact us, we’d be happy to help.
What To Expect
The treatment is delivered by your practitioner over a number of 50 minute sessions on a weekly or fortnightly basis depending on your needs.
The initial assessment will be a 50 minute session to assess the severity of the insomnia. We will help you to understand what can cause and maintain sleep problems, look at what normal sleep is, and introduce the techniques involved in the sleep therapy.
You will be asked to complete sleep diaries throughout the duration of the therapy as a way of monitoring and tracking improvements in sleep.
The number of sessions you require will vary based on your individual requirements, however many patients respond positively in a short space of time, seeing improvements in sleep quality as well as duration. This in turn positively affects their waking hours and many patients immediately notice an increase in alertness, concentration and productivity.
Don’t let sleep issues or insomnia ruin your day, contact The Insomnia Clinic team today. We have treatments centres across the UK. If you are unable to visit our treatment centres we also offer Skype consultations – so no matter how remote you are, you will have access to all the tools you need for a good nights sleep.
The sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes and prices start from £90 per session, but vary depending on location.