The Insomnia Clinic

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3 things I have learned since being an Insomnia Therapist

After working with poor sleepers for over 12 years now I have noticed a few things!

  1. Sleep hygiene is not enough to cure insomnia. Everyone I see has either perfect sleep hygiene or is so fed up of trying to be ‘perfect’ about sleep that they have given up. Sleep hygiene is fairly sensible advice but we must remember that good sleepers don’t give up caffeine, have pitch black rooms or long wind down routine in order to sleep well. Sleep hygiene can in fact make sleep worse, it creates anxiety as the more we ‘try’ to fix our sleep from the outside, the more hyper-vigilant we become and the worse our sleep gets.

  2. Not everyone needs 8 hours sleep. We focus too much on how much sleep we get rather than the quality of sleep but it is sleep quality which influences how good we feel the next day.

  3. It doesn’t matter how long a person has suffered with insomnia, they can still improve their sleep. All you need is the correct advice and the motivation and willingness to make some changes.

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