3 ways to boost your energy during the day
If you’re sleeping poorly, it’s not just night-time that can be a struggle, your energy levels during the day can be affected too. From lacking motivation, to simply feeling tired, if you’re struggling to sleep, it can be difficult to focus and make the most of each day.
Although it is really important to prioritise your sleep, most of us think that sleep is the only way to boost our energy levels, but there are actually a number of ways we can help lift our vigour during the day.
1. Learn how to be mindful. The number one reason people are tired is because they are stressed. Being mindful is a skill where you choose to notice your thoughts, rather than engaging with them. If we notice we are worried or engaged in a chain of negative thought, by being mindful we can bring ourselves back to the present moment. This is a great way of resting your brain.
2. Take regular breaks from your phone. This will free up time for you to not only be more mindful, but to partake in activity that can help boost your energy further. For example, instead of scrolling through your social feeds during your lunch break, use this time to get fresh air, notice what’s around you and actually taste the food you eat. Top tip? I recently saw that by turning the colour off on your phone so it is greyscale makes it much less appealing and helps you to stop the scroll!
3. Drink plenty of water. It’s been said a million times before, but dehydration makes you tired. If you’re someone that struggles to drink enough water during the day, why not try to keep a refillable bottle on your desk? Challenge yourself to ensure you’re finishing this before you leave the office, and you’ll soon begin to notice a positive change.